UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung receives Zero Waste certificate from UL
Samsung receives Zero Waste certificate from UL
  • Jane Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.11 17:13
  • 댓글 0
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All its global semiconductor operation cites clinched Gold level
Image: Samsung Electronics
Image: Samsung Electronics

Samsung Electronics has received UL’s Zero Waste to Landfill validation of Gold level and above for all of its global semiconductor operation sites, the company said on Thursday.

Its Austin semiconductor operation received the validation first in January, followed by its five plants in South Korea __ Giheung, Hwaseong, Pyeongtaek, Onyang and Cheonan __ and two in China __ Xi’an and Suzhou. All received the Gold level validation, or over 95% waste diversion, Samsung said.

Samsung DSR building in Hwaseong, in particular, stood out with a Zero Waste to Landfill at the Platinum level validation for reaching 100% waste diversion, the South Korean tech giant said.

On average, the company’s semiconductor plants had a waster diversion rate of 98.1%.

“By pursuing zero waste to landfill validation, Samsung is demonstrating its commitment to reducing waste as a key sustainability initiative at the semiconductor sites,” said Alberto Uggetti, vice president and general manager, environment and sustainability division at UL, in a statement.

“The Zero Waste to Landfill achievements at its semiconductor sites reflect its dedication to the environmental leadership and UL is pleased to validate its efforts,” Uggetti added.

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