UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
LG launches new LED signage
LG launches new LED signage
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.22 21:33
  • 댓글 0
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LSAA comes in module-form for size customization
LG LED Signage Image: LG Electronics
LG LED Signage Image: LG Electronics

LG Electronics has launched a new LED signage that it says is convenient to install, on Monday.

LG LED Signage (model name: LSAA) comes with 600mm x 337.5mm x 44.9mm cabinet modules that can be connected block by block.

Clients can use the modules to make a signage in the size they want. Cable only needs to be connected to one module at the bottom for the whole to activate.

The modules share signals wirelessly between each other and docked between themselves through pin terminals placed at the connecting surface.

LG said the signage can support up to 4K resolution at 16 to 9 ratio.

The signage will use necessary power for the activated RGB sub-pixels and will go to power conservation mode when there are no signals to process.

It also has an artificial intelligence (AI) resolution processor that optimizes images.

LSAA is self-emissive __ meaning there is no backlight __ and the pixels are 1.2mm apart from each other. 

LG said it will launch a new signage with the pixels only 0.9mm apart at a later date.

Customers can configure the size of the signage as LSAA is modular Image: LG Electronics
Customers can configure the size of the signage as LSAA is modular Image: LG Electronics


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