UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
ON Semiconductor to provide Danfoss power device
ON Semiconductor to provide Danfoss power device
  • Jane Lee
  • 승인 2020.07.08 00:28
  • 댓글 0
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Components to be made in US, South Korea
Image: ON Semiconductor
Image: ON Semiconductor

ON Semiconductor will supply Danfoss with high powers IGBTs and diodes for inverter traction modules, the companies announced.

The US chip maker will produce the power components at its 300mm wafer factory in New York and 200mm wafer factory in Bucheon, South Korea, for the supply to Danfoss Silicon Power.

“Chip independency is an important and fundamental element of the Danfoss go-to market strategy. By selecting IGBT chips from ON Semiconductor we are accommodating the high growth expectations from our automotive customers,” said Claus A. Petersen, senior vice president and general manager, Danfoss Silicon Power, in a statement.

“With investment in power technologies and manufacturing capacity globally, ON Semiconductor reiterates our firm commitment to be the top supplier of automotive high power devices,” said Asif Jakwani, senior vice president of the Advance Power Division at ON Semiconductor, in a statement. “Utilizing our semiconductor portfolio with Danfoss’ extensive experience in power module design and manufacturing, we expect our penetration in the vehicle electrification market to accelerate, benefiting both companies.”

Danfoss Silicon Power is a subsidiary of the Danfoss Group, the largest industrial company in Denmark. The company design and makes power modules for automotive, industrial and renewable applications.

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