UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Leaders Systems to offer vGPU in 90-day free trial
Leaders Systems to offer vGPU in 90-day free trial
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.07.08 00:29
  • 댓글 0
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Nvidia’s vGPU to support data-intensive remote work
Image: Leaders Systems, Nvidia
Image: Leaders Systems, Nvidia

Leader Systems, Nvidia’s distributor in South Korea, will offer a 90days free trial for vGPU software Remote Work With NVIDIA (RWWN), it said on Tuesday.

The virtual GPU software will allow tech works to perform graphic-intensive work remotely, Leaders Systems said.

It will provide resources to PCs as if they had the graphic processing unit (GPU) physically anywhere in any device, allowing them access to the application and data, the company said. 

The physical GPU is only installed on the server. A vGPU, or virtual GPU, is created that multiple virtual machines can share. 

Users can choose between Nvidia’s GRID vPC, GRID vApps and Quadro vDWS that best suits their needs. For instance, Quadro vDWS will allow users to edit 8K videos or perform 3D design tasks remotely.

Nvidia divided GPU depending on the number of people expected share the vGPU. T4 is offered for four people, RTX6000 for six people and RTX8000 for twelve people.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
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