UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
STMicroelectronics, Fingerprint to co-develop contactless cards
STMicroelectronics, Fingerprint to co-develop contactless cards
  • Jane Lee
  • 승인 2020.07.14 17:18
  • 댓글 0
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They will provide the solution turnkey for the banking market
Image: STMicroelectronics
Image: STMicroelectronics

STMicroelectronics and Fingerprint Cards will develop an advanced biometric system-on-card (BSoC) solution for contactless payment card, the companies said.

The cards will have fingerprint sensors embedded in them that will allow payments to be made without the need for app connections or passwords but just verification,  the pair said. 

STMicroelectronics’ STPay solutions have a CC EAL 6+ certificate and meets the requirement EMVCo.

Its STM32 general-purpose microcontrollers has been combined with Fingerprint’s T-shape sensor module to provide a turnkey battery-less solution for the banking market, they said.

Starting with banking, the two will expand the cards for use in identification, health, access, and transportation.

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