UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
SK IE Technology begins mass production of CPI
SK IE Technology begins mass production of CPI
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.07.20 20:44
  • 댓글 0
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It is for an unnamed global smartphone maker
Image: SK IE Technology
Image: SK IE Technology

SK IE Technology has begun mass production of flexible cover window (FCW) made out of colorless polyimide films (CPI), the company said on Monday.

The firm constructed the FCW factory at Jeungpyeong, North Choongcheong Province, late last year.

FCW is SK’s own brand for CPI. The company applied hard coating to conventional CPI films to make it more durable. It is aimed at foldable phones, rollable TVs and curved monitors and used to protect the panel.

SK IE Technology said it was supplying the FCW for an unnamed global smartphone maker.

The company said it was the only South Korean manufacturer that can synthesize the raw materials, produce a CPI film, apply hard coating to avoid scratches and increase durability, and add functional coating to prevent fingerprint smudges and protect against other chemicals all on its own.

It was chosen as the supplier to the unnamed client thanks to its reliability and productivity.

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