UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
LG Uplus launches 5G AR glasses 
LG Uplus launches 5G AR glasses 
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.08.12 00:02
  • 댓글 0
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It will connect to Note20 via USB
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

LG Uplus has launched its augmented reality (AR) glasses that is only available for its 5G subscribers.

The glasses, dubbed U+ Real Glasses, will go on sales on August 21.

They are based on AR glasses made by Chinese start-up Nreal which was founded in 2017. The devices were first shown off in CES 2019. The Chinese company was sued by US virtual reality device firm Magic Leap last year but won the case. Magic Leap was founded in 2010.

Nreal said the dispute with the US company has been completely resolved and it plans to launch the glasses in Japan and Europe through telcos later this year.

Nreal’s glasses also uses Qualcomm’s XR Viewer platform. This is used when the AR glasses are connected to smartphones via USB cables.

Qualcomm has said back in May that it was working with 15 telcos worldwide in XR Viewer platform. At the time, the US chip giant said it was collaborating with Nreal, 3Glasses and iQivi, among other companies.

U+ Real Glasses is only available for 5G subscribers. It only supports the Galaxy Note20 series. The glasses cost 699,000 won. LG Uplus those with 5G data plan of over 105,000 won a month can get them at half price.

LG Uplus will also later support the glasses for LG Electronics’ LG Velvet and V50 series smartphones.

LG Uplus is seeing its market share in 5G subscribers drop. In June it had a share of 24.2% for total 5G users, but in new users it had a share of 20.5%. 

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