UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Seoul Viosys developing photon shower against COVID-19
Seoul Viosys developing photon shower against COVID-19
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.03 19:50
  • 댓글 0
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It will use its UV LED tech
Image: Seoul Viosys
Image: Seoul Viosys

Seoul Viosys is developing a photo shower that can disinfect COVID-19 within three seconds, the company said on Thursday.

The firm will use its own ultraviolet LED technology called Violeds for the shower.

Photon shower works in booths where the subject can stand and photons will be shot to kill any viruses and germs on them. Air showers can also have photon shower applied together.

Seoul Viosys was currently producing its air purifier VAC which can kill the virus as well as multi-purpose sterilizer VSM+. Both products have a disinfectant rate of 99.9%, the company said.

The company will find various application for its Violeds module, it said. It was currently supplying the module to a US escalator company.

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