UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG CTO touts vision for good life after COVID-19
LG CTO touts vision for good life after COVID-19
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.04 07:25
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At IFA 2020 press conference
Image: LG Electronics
Image: LG Electronics

LG Electronics CTO IP Park showcased the company’s vision of a good life post COVID-19 pandemic at the company’s press conference at IFA 2020 on Thursday.

The South Korean tech company shares its vision called Life’s Good from Home at the conference.

Park took to the stage in a prepared hologram and said: “These unprecedented times have made us more uncertain about the future. LG believes this presents a unique opportunity to make real change in the world by realizing a new potential for the home. As a leading lifestyle innovator, we’ve doubled-down on our commitment to develop new and improved products and services that provide a good life for consumers the world over.”

Kim Kyung-ho, EVP at LG’s Business Solutions Europe, introduced LG ThinQ Home, an area the company set-up at Pangyo, South Korea that was made using the company’s products and solutions.

Park in person at Pangyo guided the audience through LG ThinQ Home. He also showed its Home Concierge product, a smart mirror that allows easy and complete home control by monitoring appliances and home energy usage through an energy panel. The panel is connected to the home’s electric car charging station and lets homeowners monitor their cars remotely.

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