UPDATED. 2024-11-14 09:31 (목)
Samsung Electro-Mechanics develops 0804 size power inductor
Samsung Electro-Mechanics develops 0804 size power inductor
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.14 18:31
  • 댓글 0
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The company hopes it will become its next growth engine 
Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics
Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has developed a 0804 (0.8mm x 0.4mm) power inductor, the company said.

It is the world’s smallest power inductor, it said. They have a thickness of 0.65mm.

Its previous smallest power inductor aimed at mobile devices was sized 1210, Samsung said.

Power inductor’s characteristic is determined by the magnetic substance it is made with and the number of coils that can wrapped around inside.

Samsung said it used its material technology from making multi layer ceramic capacitors and production technology for semiconductor substrates to make the inductor smaller while reducing power leakage.

Most inductors are made individually but the company said it makes its new ones on a per substrate bases, allowing them to be mass produced easier.

It uses nanometer-sized ultra fine powders for the substance used to make the inductors. Samsung also used the photosensitive methods used in semiconductor production to make the coils, it said.

Samsung will be supplying the inductors to a global mobile company, it said.

Inductors are used to control electric current in devices while MLCC is used to manage voltages.

Samsung said it hoped its power inductors will become its next growth engine after MLCCs. 

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