UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
LG Display to showoff transparent OLED media arts
LG Display to showoff transparent OLED media arts
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.23 16:55
  • 댓글 0
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In so-called hot places in Seoul
Image: LG Display
Image: LG Display

LG Display will showoff media art made with its transparent OLED panels at hot places in Seoul, the company said.

They will be displayed at Itaewon and Hapjeong starting this month until March of next year.

LG Display collaborate for the project, dubbed Art on OLED, with cafe brand Anthracite Coffee and artist Park Hoon-kyu.

The art piece in Itaewon will be placed at a cafe run by Anthracite there. It will have seven 55-inch transparent OLED panels connected together.

Its horizontal length is 9 meters. 

Park said the transparent OLED allowed him to show the art as hologram-like.

Anthracite's Hapjeong store will have five 55-inch transparent OLED attached together.

LG Display first launched a 55-inch FHD transparent OLED with a transmittance of 40% last year. The panel can be used for show windows, interior design, exhibition, assist transportation systems and autonomous vehicles, LG said.


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