UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung to launch Flip digital flipchart in Europe next year
Samsung to launch Flip digital flipchart in Europe next year
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.10.29 08:19
  • 댓글 0
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Tens of thousands of units to be shipped
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics will launch the Samsung Flip, its 60-inch range interactive digital flipchart, in Europe next year, aimed at the education sector there.

Chemtronics, which contract-produces the flipcharts, will likely benefit from the expanded sales plan.

Samsung’s Visual Display (VD) business plans to ship around tens of thousands of Samsung Flip next year. 

Samsung Flip supports touch. It looks like a kiosk but supports file sharing from notebooks, smartphones and other devices. It also supports Wi-Fi, NFC, HDMI and USB standards. Data on the chart can be shared via email or the cloud.

It also has a Passive Pen which acts like a marker for white boards. Taking out the pen from Samsung Flip will activate it. Consumers can also use their hands to erase texts on the display. Drawings on the chart are also automatically saved around every minute.

Samsung is reacting to increasing demand for digital devices in education in Europe.

Chemtronics is the exclusive OEM for the units heading for Europe. South Korean analysts expect Chemtronics’ sales to jump 20% this year compared to 2019 to 495 billion won. Samsung Flip production will likely contribute to this growth.

Samsung will likely expand its OEMs for the Flip next year when shipment increases.

Samsung unveiled the first 55-inch UHD resolution Samsung Flip at CES in 2018. It launched Samsung Flip 2 last year in 55-inch and 65-inch sizes.

Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung


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