UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
SK Hynix halts factory in China from COVID-19
SK Hynix halts factory in China from COVID-19
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.11.30 17:20
  • 댓글 0
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An employee who've returned to Korea found to have virus
Image: SK Hynix
Image: SK Hynix

SK Hynix’s factory in Chongqing, China has halted operation due to one of its employees being diagnosed with COVID-19.

An employee returning from Chongqing to South Korea was found to have contracted the virus after testing on Friday, according to Global Times.

The local government at Chongqing ordered SK Hynix’s factory to shutdown following this revelation.

The city has ordered all 2,700 employees working at the factory to be checked for the virus. Facilities have also been disinfected. A hotel in the Chinese city where the employee have stayed has also shutdown.

SK Hynix’s Chongqing factory is for NAND flash packaging. Around 40% of the company’s NAND flash packaging is done there. 

When the factory will restart operation is yet unknown. Semiconductor factories are run 24/7 non-stop for 365 days. A day of shutdown alone can cost millions of dollars. 

SK Hynix’s Chongqing factory posted 470 billion won in sales last year.

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