UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung changes memory and foundry bosses 
Samsung changes memory and foundry bosses 
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.12.02 19:02
  • 댓글 0
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Home appliance boss promoted to president
From left, president JaeSeung Lee, head of the home appliance business, president Jung-bae Lee, head of the memory business, and president Siyoung Choi, head of the foundry business. Image: Samsung
From left, president JaeSeung Lee, head of the home appliance business, president Jung-bae Lee, head of the memory business, and president Siyoung Choi, head of the foundry business. Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics made minor changes in the company’s top posts in its annual reshuffle announced on Wednesday.

The company said it will retain its three CEOs Kim Ki-nam of device solutions, Kim Hyun-suk of consumer electronics and Koh Dong-jin of IT and mobile.

EVP Jung-bae Lee was promoted to president and will head the memory business. Lee is an expert in DRAM and took key posts prior to being named head of the business.

EVP Siyoung Choi was also promoted to president and named as head of the foundry business. Choi was an expert in semiconductor process development and production, Samsung said.

President Gyoyoung Jin, the previous head of the memory business, was named the head of Samsung’s Advanced Institute of Technology.

President Eun Seung Jung, who have headed the foundry business, saw his post changed to CTO of device solutions.

Meanwhile, JaeSeung Lee was named president and head of Samsung’s home appliance business under the consumer electronics business. He is the first to be named president from the home appliance business.

Samsung is expected to announce reshuffles for executives on Friday.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
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