UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Samsung to shift more display staff to semiconductor 
Samsung to shift more display staff to semiconductor 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.12.11 17:19
  • 댓글 0
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As the company prepares to exit its LCD operation
Image: Samsung Display
Image: Samsung Display

Samsung Display is transferring hundreds of its employees to Samsung Electronics’ semiconductor business as it prepares to exit the liquid crystal display (LCD) business.

The display panel maker was taking application from employees for the transfer and sorting through who to send. Hundreds of employees are expected to moved.

Samsung Display already transferred around 200 employees to the semiconductor business back in August.

The company is planning exit the LCD business by March. It initially planned to exit within 2020 but the pandemic has increased demand for LCD and customers have requested it extend the deadline.

Samsung Display previously said it plans to invest 13.1 trillion won by 2025 to develop quantum dot (QD) displays.

A Samsung Display spokesperson confirmed the transfer but declined to comment on specifics.

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