UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
LG to launch quantum dot powered QNED TV next year
LG to launch quantum dot powered QNED TV next year
  • yoo tai young
  • 승인 2020.12.29 17:45
  • 댓글 0
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LCD TV to be powered by MiniLED backlighting
Around ten models to be launched around CES 2021
Image: LG Electronics
Image: LG Electronics

LG Electronics will launch a new liquid crystal display (LCD) TV called QNED TV that uses MiniLED as the backlight.

The company on Tuesday unveiled the TV at an online press event in South Korea.

LG QNED TV will have a technology called quantum nanocell color technology, which combines nanocell and quantum dot technologies. The backlighting will pass through nanocell and quantum dot materials for more accurate colors, LG said.

Quantum dot was first used by Samsung Electronics in its SUHD TV launched in 2015. Quantum dot are nanocrystals. These crystals are made to a film layer in LCD TVs with increase the color accuracy.

Last year, LG and Samsung criticized each other over the contrast modulation of their TVs. LG at the time talked down on Samsung’s quantum dot technology.

LG claimed at the press event that its quantum dot was superior to its rival’s QLED.

The new QNED TV’s 8K, 86-inch version will have around 30,000 LEDs installed as backlight. It will also have around 2,500 local dimming areas.

Prior TVs with LED as backlight had around only 2,000 LEDs, LG said. QNED TV has over 10 times this which will increase brightness and increase contrast ratio, the company said.

MiniLED TV uses the same panel as LG’s prior LCD TV. But color reproduction rate is increased to 90% compared to the previous 70% through the application of smaller LEDs.

However, LG said QNED TV doesn’t match the thinness and color accuracy of OLED TVs. The company’s OLED W, a wallpaper version, has a thickness of 4mm but its MiniLED’s is twice this, the firm said.

While MiniLED TV local dimming uses areas 3cm x 3cm in size, OLED TV uses 0.1mm materials to emit light and therefore has superior color reproduction rate, LG said.

QNED TV will likely be cheaper than OLED TV but pricier than Nanocell TV.

LG said the company is positioned to launch QNED TV in sizes between 55-inch to 100-inch.

The company declined to comment on which company it was procuring the quantum dot materials from.

A Samsung spokesperson said quantum dot technology was also about optimizing hardware and software, not just the quantum dot film itself. They declined to comment on LG using the technology.

LG will unveil QNED TV at CES2021. It will support 8K and 4K resolution and come in around ten models.

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