UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Coasia and Hanatech form alliance to win Samsung Foundry order
Coasia and Hanatech form alliance to win Samsung Foundry order
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.01.07 18:17
  • 댓글 0
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Companies to use talent pool of 400
Image: Coasia
Image: Coasia

System semiconductor design company Coasia and design service firm Hanatec on Wednesday signed a technology and personnel sharing agreement to win global orders together.

Both companies are official design solution partners of Samsung Electronics’ Samsung Advanced Foundry Ecosystem (SAFE) alliance.

Three other fabless companies including Gaon Chips will also be part of Coasia and Hantec’s agreement.

The pair will share their technology, personnel and infrastructure under the agreement. This will equal some 400 people working together.

The pair said the talent pool is expected to reach 600 to 700 people by the end of the year from newly hired engineers of the companies taking part in the agreement.

This is level to that of world’s largest design service company GUC of Taiwan.

The global foundry market currently is enjoying high demand. Samsung Electronics is planning to invest 133 trillion won in system semiconductors by 2030.

Coasia said its agreement with its colleagues was done for large global orders following Samsung’s pure foundry policy.

The role of design solution partners from the foundry industry is expected to grow from high demand, the company said.

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