Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday that its Galaxy S21 series smartphones were selling 30% more compared to their predecessor the Galaxy S20 series in South Korea in the first eleven days since sales began.
Galaxy S21 accounted for 40% of sales, while the Galaxy S21 Ultra accounted for 36%. Galaxy S21 Plus accounted for 24%.
For the Galaxy S21 Ultra, phantom black was the most popular color, while for the Galaxy S21 and Galaxy S21 Plus it was phantom violet, Samsung said.
Direct purchase from Samsung accounted for 30% of the sales, double that of Galaxy S20. Out of direct purchases, 60% were bought online, the company said.
Galaxy Buds Pro wireless earphone sales was also double that of its predecessor, Samsung said.
The company said it expect demand to spike from March to April from customers nearing the end of their two year contracts for their current Galaxy S smartphones.