UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Meere launches 3D ToF camera S.Cube
Meere launches 3D ToF camera S.Cube
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.02.18 16:56
  • 댓글 0
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For facial recognition and motion detection
Image: Meere Company
Image: Meere Company

Meere Company said on Wednesday that it has launched a new 3D Time of Flight camera called S.Cube.

S.Cube was made by applying Meere’s ASIC chip MR1000 to Samsung System LSI’s ToF image sensor. MR1000 has a distance calculating algorithm.

Meere said the new S.Cube is smaller than previous ToF cameras and consumes less power. 

This is thanks to the application of MR1000, which does the task done by FPGA chip, application processors and CPU resources for other image sensors.

S.Cube has four times the pixel count and tirple the video output speed. It supports VGA(640x480) resolution.

The camera can be used for facial recognition, motion and obstacle detection in smart appliances, robots and automobiles, a company spokesperson said.


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