Samsung Electronics said on Thursday that its Neo QLED TV received the Eye Care "Tested" certification given by German standard association Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE).
The Korean tech giant received the certification for its Neo QLED TVs as well as 2021-model QLED TVs __ their model names are QN900, QN800, QN95, QN90, QN85, Q80, Q70 and Q60.
Eye Care measures the screen’s affect on safety to the eyes and melatonin as well as well as their flickers, resolution uniformity and color accuracy.
Safety to the eyes measures how much blue light, infrared light and ultraviolet light the screen emits. The approval is given if the TV emits them in quantity IEC deems safe enough, called Exempt Group.
Samsung said its QLED TVs will offer the best resolution, usability and safety for consumers.