UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Yes Power Technix to receive SiC trend MOSFET tech
Yes Power Technix to receive SiC trend MOSFET tech
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.21 17:43
  • 댓글 0
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Image: Yes Power Technix
Image: Yes Power Technix

Yes Power Technix, a subsidiary of YEST, will receive silicon carbide (SiC) trend MOSFET technology from the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) for 2 billion won, the company announced.

The technology was developed by KERI. South Korea is the third country after Japan and Germany to develop the technology.

SiC trench MOSFET forms a “trench” on the wafer. Current channels are placed on the vertical sides of this trench.

This reduces the surface channels take up then conventionally (they are usually placed horizontally), which allows power devices to become smaller.

Yes Power Technix said the technology will allow more chips to be produced per wafer, which will lead to lowered prices in power devices.

This will ultimately contribute in lowering the prices of electric cars, the company added.

There is currently a shortage in SiC power management chips for electric cars. Yes Power Technix said it will use the technology it received from KERI to make it a core business going forward.

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