UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Iljin Hysolus to build research center in Wanju
Iljin Hysolus to build research center in Wanju
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.26 22:48
  • 댓글 0
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Company to build additional factory by 2025
Image: Iljin Hysolus
Image: Iljin Hysolus

Iljin Hysolus said on Monday that it will build a new research center and factory at Wanju, North Jeolla Province.

It will spend 12.6 billion won to build the center, which will research hydrogen fuel cell solutions, at the city.

It will also review potential additional investment to build a new factory there by 2025.

The province and city has agreed to give administrative support to Iljin.

The company will research hydrogen fuel-cell storage for commercial vehicles, drones and trains as well as tube skid and storage to carry hydrogen at the center.

Iljin Hysolus is a subsidiary of Iljin Diamon, which controls an 86.9% stake in its, and manufactures type4 hdyrgoen tanks. The tanks are made with carbon fiber composite materials and can withstand 700 bar of pressure. They are light and can carry high amounts of hydrogen.

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