UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
Samsung Display is applying AI in OLED development 
Samsung Display is applying AI in OLED development 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.20 17:30
  • 댓글 0
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Organic material structure design done in 30 seconds, executive says 
Image: Samsung Display
Image: Samsung Display

Samsung Display was using AI technology in its development of OLED panels, a company executive said.

An AI program that design the molecular structure of the organic materials were being used, Samsung Display vice president Kim Yong-jo said at a seminar at SID Display Week.

The program takes only 30 seconds to finish its task, Kim said.

Engineers can input the characteristic value they want from the OLED materials into the program for the calculation, the VP said.

The program runs multiple simulations on various value, which allows for engineers to focus on other more high-value tasks at the same time.

Besides the material, a separate AI program is also used for panel’s circuit design, which has become increasingly complicated due to the increase in display resolution.

A 64 core CPU can use the AI program to design 640,000 circuits a day in one computer.

Both AI programs will save time in the development of 4K and 8K panels, Kim said.

Samsung Display plans to apply AI more in its product design going forward, he added.

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