UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
LG InnoTek sells another 78 wireless charging patents to NPE
LG InnoTek sells another 78 wireless charging patents to NPE
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.20 17:29
  • 댓글 0
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Korean patents sold after US patents 
Image: LG InnoTek
Image: LG InnoTek

LG InnoTek has sold another 78 patents related to wireless charging patents to Ireland-based non-practicing entity Scramoge Technology.

The South Korean component maker transferred the ownership of the Korean patents to the NPE on May 17.

In February, LG had sold 128 US patents related to wireless charging patents to Scramoge.

The 123 US patents and 87 Korean patents grouped as family patents to other related patents filed in different countries.

Due to this, LG has likely agreed with Scramoge to handover its related patents in other countries in China as well, people familiar with the matter said.

LG’s selling of its patents to Scramoge will likely increase the number of patent disputes related to wireless patents.

The Ireland-based NPE has already filed patent infringement suits against Samsung Electronics and Samsung Electronics America at a federal court in Texas last month.

Scramoge had claimed Samsung violated three of its US patents. A total of 28 products, including the Galaxy S21 series, infringed on its patents, the NPE had claimed in the suit.

LG sold its US patents to Scramoge for around 5 billion won, the people said.

As the sum isn’t much, this could mean LG and Scramoge could have signed a contract that includes profit sharing for patent lawsuits, they said.

The contract could have also stipulated that the NPE not file lawsuit against LG affiliates such as LG Electronics.

Scramoge is led by Magnetar Capital, which also manages another NPE called Solas OLED.

Solas OLED has filed patent infringement lawsuits against Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display, LG Display and Apple since 2019. It has recently settled its case with LG Display.

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