UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Hyundai mum on whether it is developing own chips, but says it can
Hyundai mum on whether it is developing own chips, but says it can
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.06.12 12:03
  • 댓글 0
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But exec says there was a need for alternative to Nvidia Solutions
Image: Hyundai Motor
Image: Hyundai Motor

A Hyundai Motor Company executive declined to comment on whether the conglomerate was planning to develop and manufacturing its own semiconductors on Friday.

But Seoho Choi, vice president of technology innovation business development group at Hyundai, said at an industry event called Seoul Smart Mobility Expo in Seoul that while the company was using Nvidia Solutions for the computing system for autonomous driving that costs of tens of millions of wons, internally, the company was mulling ways to develop a chipset that costs less than hundreds of dollars that can replace them.

There was a solid infrastructure to develop system semiconductors from existing design houses and foundry companies, the VP said, and Hyundai could make its needed custom system-on-a-chip if it wanted to.

TheElec was the first to report that Hyundai Mobis, the component arm of Hyundai Motor, was commencing a project called ES Project to develop its own semiconductors.

Hyundai Mobis was in talks with fabless and design house companies to design and develop its custom SoC, sources have said.

The company is likely planning to design its own microcontroller unit, power management IC and chips for advanced drivers assistance systems, the sources had said.

Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec


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