Fab equipment maker Hanmi Semiconductor said on Monday that it has recorded 108.7 billion won in sales and 35.7 billion won in operating income in the second quarter.
It is the company’s best quarterly sales figure to date.
Sales increased 77% from the same time period in 2020, while operating income jumped 79.8% over the same time period.
Hanmi recorded an operating margin rate of 32.8% during the quarter.
For the first half of 2021 in total, the company recorded 179.2 billion won in sales and 54.2 billion won in operating income, a surge of 78.1% and 101.3%, respectively, from the first half of 2020.
The company credited the high demand for semiconductors from 5G, autonomous driving, vehicle-to-everything, AI and data center spaces.
It also noted that its dual-chuck saw has been approved for use by a global customer.