UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
SKC Solmics starts new CMP pad factory operation 
SKC Solmics starts new CMP pad factory operation 
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.08.04 08:21
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Firm secures 180,000 pads per year in capacity
Image: SKC Solmics
Image: SKC Solmics

SKC Solmics, the semiconductor component and material subsidiary of SKC, has begun the operation of its new chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) pad factory at Cheonan, South Korea, the company said on Tuesday.

SKC Solmics spent 47 billion won for the new factory that started construction last year.

The new factory has a production capacity of 120,000 pads per year. Grouped with its another factory at Anseong, SKC Solmics now has a total production capacity of 180,000 pads per year.

The South Korean company began manufacturing CMP pads in 2015, when it spent 20 billion won for its first factory at Anseong.

SKC Solmics said it plans to continue increasing local production of CMP pads in South Korea going forward.

Currently, two US companies together own over 90% market share of the global CMP pad market.

CMP pads are made out of polyurethane and is used with CMP slurry to flatten the surface of wafers that has been through the exposure, etching and deposition processes. 

It is a core material needed to increase densities of semiconductors and more of them are being used as process steps for advanced chip production continues to increase.

SKC Solmics said it is the only CMP pad producer that can produce the raw essence needed for their production. 

The company said it can freely adjust the size and uniformity of the micrometer sized pores on the pads. This allows it to development and supply CMP pads customers need quickly, SKC Solmics said.

SKC Solmics developed a pad for the tungsten process in 2016 as well. It also developed a pad for the copper process. It also recently developed a pad for the oxide process.

The CMP pads were currently being reviewed by the a global semiconductor company, SKC Solmics added.

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