UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Exicon completes co-development of CIS test kit with Samsung
Exicon completes co-development of CIS test kit with Samsung
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.08.05 13:18
  • 댓글 0
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To be supplied to Samsung suppliers in Q4
Image: Exicon
Image: Exicon

Exicon said on Wednesday that it has completed the development of a new CMOS image sensor (CIS) test equipment, together with Samsung.

The equipment are being evaluated by customers, a Exicon spokesperson said.

The equipment will likely be commercialized in the fourth quarter, they said.

Japan’s Advantest is the dominant supplier of CIS test equipment.

Exicon had focused on memory equipment prior to the development of its new CIS test equipment.

The company said its new equipment costs two thirds of their counterparts offered by Advantest while being equal in performance.

The new equipment will likely be supplied to Samsung’s CIS testing partners Tesna and LB Semicon.

Samsung is increasing its production of CIS every year, which is increasing demand for CIS test equipment from the company.

Exicon also supplied the South Korean tech giant with its memory burn-in tester, which was previously supplied by its rival DI to Samsung.

In the second quarter, Exicon posted 13.8 billion won in sales and 448 million won in operating income. Sales increased by 344.6% from the previous year, while it posted a profit compared to its net loss a year ago.

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