UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Hansol Chemical to build new silicon anode factory 
Hansol Chemical to build new silicon anode factory 
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.08.10 18:41
  • 댓글 0
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Firm to spend 85 billion won
Image: Hansol Chemical
Image: Hansol Chemical

Hansol Chemical will spend 85 billion won to build a new battery silicon anode factory.

The company said the new factory will begin operations in 2022 and produce the anodes that has triple the energy density to conventional anodes.

The new factory will be built a Iksan’s industrial zone. Hansol had bought 94,000 meter-square of land there last year for the factory.

The firm initially planned to spend 137.3 billion won up to 2023 but reduced its spending plan.

Hansol has received the technology to produce silicon anode from Samsung.

It has been testing the technology at its factory at Jeonju.

Silicon anode are made by adding silicon in graphite. Energy density goes up but silicon are less durable so companies need to overcome this to apply the technology.

Daejoo Electronic Material developed its own silicon anode in 2019 and has been supplying the material to LG Energy Solution.

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