UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung expected to ship 7.2 million foldable phones
Samsung expected to ship 7.2 million foldable phones
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.09.02 08:19
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According to DSCC
Image: DSCC
Image: DSCC

Samsung’s shipment for foldable phones are expected to reach 7.2 million units this year, according to analyst firm Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC).

The firm’s forecast is higher than Samsung’s own of 7 million units at its highest.

Samsung moved 2.5 million foldable phones last year.

The South Korean tech giant had received 920,000 units in pre=orders for the latest Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3.

The pre-order volume is larger than those for Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy S21.

However, DSCC noted that Samsung’s foldable shipment mostly came from the South Korean market.

It said Galaxy Z Flip sold 52% of its total in the country, while Z Fold 2 moved 33% of its total volume in South Korea.

DSCC estimates that Samsung manufactured 800,000 units of foldable phones in July and 1.5 million units last month.

The high pre-orders for the devices means shipment can be delayed for certain markets, the research firm said.

DSCC also noted that Samsung is spending too much in marketing for the devices.

The firm said Samsung is reportedly planning to spend US$2 billion to promote the devices, which is equal to 53% of Samsung Mobile’s operating income in the third quarter and 69% of its operating income in the second quarter.

DSCC it remains to be seen whether the high marketing cost will effect Samsung Mobile’s operating income during the second half of the year.

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