UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Terranix supplying headlamp heat-resistant board to Tesla's Model Y
Terranix supplying headlamp heat-resistant board to Tesla's Model Y
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.10.07 15:54
  • 댓글 0
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Board more efficient at dissipating heat
Image: Tesla
Image: Tesla

Terranix, a part of Youngpoong Group, was supplying its heat-resistant boards for the headlamps on Tesla’s Model Y, TheElec has learned.

The LED board maker was the sole supplier of the boards to the US company.

The boards are used to dissipate the heat from the hundreds of LEDs used in the headlamp.

Terranix used its own process called Pedestal for the boards.

This process removes some of the layers between the board and the metal base, allowing heat to be dissipated more efficiently.

The process is more efficient compared to LED boards made with metal copper clad laminate, which has insulating layers right below the board.

The Pedestal method allows sends the heat to the body of the car faster.

Terranix claims this method can send heat at 385W/mK, compared to the 3 to 5W/mK of metal copper clad laminate.

The company began manufacturing heat-resistant boards using the Pedestal process in 2017.

It supplies them to Hyundai Motor and Kia for the Santa Fe, K9 and Genesis GV70 car models.

Terranix also began supplying its boards in the third quarter to LG InnoTek for the Nexlide lamp brand.

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