UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
APS Holdings becomes largest shareholder of digital X-ray firm
APS Holdings becomes largest shareholder of digital X-ray firm
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.10.22 13:46
  • 댓글 0
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Acquires 31% stake in Astel
Image: APS Holdings
Image: APS Holdings

APS Holdings said on Thursday that it has become the largest shareholder of digital X-ray firm Astel.

The company spent 2 billion won to secure 31% of the shares in total.

APS Holdings had already bought 14.6% of the shares back in 2012 with 600 million won.

The company said the latest acquisition will accelerate its X-ray business.

It had received digital X-ray technology that uses nanomaterials from the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute last year.

The government-backed institute had handed over technologies on generators and circuits to APS Holdings, which is planning to use them to develop inspection equipment for use in battery production, CT and airport security as well as inspections in semiconductor and display production.

APS Holdings said the business will be its growth engine alongside its fine metal mask business.

Astel uses panels with thin-film transistors made out of indium gallium zinc oxide for its digital X-ray.

IGZO offers faster electron movement and lowered noise compared to TFT made out of silicon.

This allows for the taking of high-resolution images and videos.

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