UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Pixelplus to develop sensor for water quality measurement
Pixelplus to develop sensor for water quality measurement
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2021.11.03 09:40
  • 댓글 0
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With Thewavetalk
Image: Thewavetalk
Image: Thewavetalk

Image sensor designer Pixelplus said on Tuesday that it plans to develop a sensor for water quality measurement with Thewavetalk.

Thewavetalk develops water quality measurement devices under its Watertalk brand.

The company plans to apply Pixelplus’ image sensor technology to its products. 

Water quality measurement devices use the straightness of lasers and the uniformity of their waves to measure whether there are unwanted particles inside the liquid. 

It uses image sensors and deep learning software to analyze the change in the absolute amount of particles in the liquid before and after the laser passes through.

The technology was co-developed by Thewavetalk with KAIST professor Park Young-keun, an authority in quantitative phase imaging, Pixelplus said.

Pixelplus was currently developing a 3-in-1 chip that combines an image sensor, a water quality signal processor and a memory, it said.

Pixelplus and Thewavetalk have already used an FPGA board to verify the characteristics and operation of their planned water quality measurement device.


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