UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
ISC names new independent CEO after acquisition by Helios
ISC names new independent CEO after acquisition by Helios
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2021.12.01 09:36
  • 댓글 0
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Ex-LG CNS exec Kim Sang-wook
Image: ISC
Image: ISC

Chip testing firm ISC has named a new independent CEO, the company said on Monday.

Ex-LG CNS executive Kim Sang-wook, who oversaw investment and acquisitions at his previous job, has been named independent CEO of ISC.

Previously the sole CEO, Kim Jeong-ryul will also act as an independent CEO, the company said.

Kim Sang-wook has previously worked at IMM Investment, Carlyle Group, LG CNS and Ediya in financial posts. He was also the CEO of Open Blockchain Consortium from 2018 to March this year.

He will look for new business opportunities for ISC, the company said.

ISC is a major supplier of semiconductor test sockets, which it supplies to Samsung, Intel and other major chip firms.

Founder Jeong Young-base, who formed ISC in 2001, sold his 31.75% take in the company out of his total 35% for 150 billion won to Helios PE in July.

After Helio acquired the firm, ISC started its new flexible copper clad lamination (FCCL) for mmWave 5G antenna business.

ISC also said it will also increase its collaboration with Innowireless, which is also owned by Helios, under the new independent CEOs.

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