UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Intekplus opens new research center for smart factory 
Intekplus opens new research center for smart factory 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2021.12.07 13:25
  • 댓글 0
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Firm to hire machine vision software developers
Image: Intekplus
Image: Intekplus

Fab equipment maker Intekplus has opened a new research center at Giheung to develop fab and smart factory solutions.

The center, called System Lab, is based at Giheung and hiring engineers in the field.

Intekplus manufactures machine vision-based 3D and 2D inspection equipment.

These kits are used in wafer fabrication as well as display and lithium-ion battery production.

They are especially used a lot to inspect mid-end and packaging in flip chips.

Intekplus is looking for automation and machine vision software developers as well as equipment designers.

There is currently a shortage of chip engineers and developers in South Korea.

Giheung is close to the Seoul metropolitan area, which will allow Intekplus to attract more related talents, people familiar with the matter said.

Meanwhile, the company is also building a new factory near its headquarters at Daejeon and is planning to spend around 8 billion won for the project.

The new factory is expected to double its production capacity for equipment.

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