UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
EUV equipment maker ESOL to seek additional investment
EUV equipment maker ESOL to seek additional investment
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.04.22 14:51
  • 댓글 0
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Firm aiming to secure additional 12 billion won
Image: E-SOL
Image: E-SOL

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) equipment maker ESOL is reviewing ways to secure an additional 12 billion won in investment, TheElec has learned.

Last month, the company offered 68,000 new shares priced at 257,280 won per share to institutional investors for around 17.5 billion won in investment.

ESOL is being valued at up to mid-100 billion won and it is expecting its offering for additional shares to be successful, people familiar with the matter said.

ESOL was founded in 2017 and is a subsidiary of pellicle maker FST, which owns a 54.25% stake in the company.

ESOL is developing various fab equipment related to EUV, such as blank masks, pellicles and photoresists.

It launched a piece of equipment called EPTR last year, which is used to inspect the transmittance rate of EUV pellicles.

EUV equipment is made by Netherlands’ ASML and is highly sought offer by chipmakers such as Samsung, TSMC and Intel.

The equipment is used for advanced wafer fabrication as EUV can draw finer circuit patterns compared to ArF.

South Korean companies FST, S&S Tech and Dongjin Semichem are developing EUV components and materials in expectation of the EUV ecosystem growing further.

ESOL CEO Kim Byung-gook recently told TheElec in an interview that the company is planning to go public in the future as it continues to grow.

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