UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Wonik QnC to expand spending on Taiwanese quartz ware factory
Wonik QnC to expand spending on Taiwanese quartz ware factory
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.05.03 16:46
  • 댓글 0
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To 30 billion won
Image: Wonik QnC
Image: Wonik QnC

Fab material company Wonik QnC is planning to increase its spending to expand its factory in Taiwan, TheElec has learned.


The company initially aimed to spend 17 billion won to expand its factory there during the second quarter, but recently decided to up it 30 billion won, people familiar with the matter said.


Wonik QnC’s main product is quartz ware used to protect wafers during fabrication or to transport them.

The South Korean company currently manufactures them in the US, Taiwan and Germany as well as in its home country.

Quartz ware is seeing rising demand as chipmakers expand their spending on their facilities.

Wonik QnC said last month that it was planning to spend 59.5 billion won to build another factory for the material in South Korea.

Its Taiwan factory supplies quartz ware to TSMC and UMC. Wonik QnC originally planned to start expanding the factory during the third quarter of last year but rising human labor costs there forced it to postpone its plan.

The factory expansion is expected to be completed next year. The two new factories in South Korea and Taiwan are expected to add as much as 150 billion won per year in quartz ware production capacity. Wonik QnC’s current annual capacity for the material is 515.6 billion won.

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