UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
TLB’s Q3 profit jump by 151%
TLB’s Q3 profit jump by 151%
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.11.17 15:44
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Accumulated operating profit increases by 235%
Image: SK Hynix
Image: SK Hynix

Memory module printed circuit board (PCB) maker TLB saw its operating profit for the third quarter more than double from a year ago.

The company said it recorded 56.8 billion won in revenue and 12 billion won in operating profit in the quarter, an increase of 28% and 151% from a year ago.

As of the third quarter, TLB has accumulated revenue of 166.9 billion won and an operating profit of 31.1 billion won, an increase of 31% and 235% from the same time period a year ago.

TLB is aiming to increase its annual revenue this year by 20% from 2021, a goal it is highly likely to achieve.

The company said of the third quarter that its preemptive development of new products and reaction to the chip market helped it expand its market share and operating profit.

TLB’s customers include SK Hynix, Samsung, and Micron, the three major memory chip suppliers.

The South Korean parts maker’s main product is a modular component that mounts memory chips onto the PCB surface.

For the third quarter, memory module PCB for DDR5 accounted for 12% of its revenue.

This is a steep increase from 2% a year ago and 9% of the prior quarter.

TLB began manufacturing DDR5 memory module PCB for PCs during the fourth quarter.

The version aimed at servers will start generating revenue next year as well.

Much of this hinges on Intel’s launch of its DDR5 supporting CPU which it planned to launch this year but this is likely to be pushed back next year.

When Sapphire Lake launches, SK Hynix and Samsung’s DDR5 DRAM supply will also increase, which will also help TLB’s bottom line.

Meanwhile, during the third quarter, modules for solid-state drives accounted for 52% of TLB’s revenue, proving it is still its mainstay.

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