UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
LG Innotek to begin FC-BGA production in October
LG Innotek to begin FC-BGA production in October
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.02.15 15:00
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Second phase in 2026
Image: LG Innotek
Image: LG Innotek

LG Innotek is planning to start production of flip chip ball grid array (FC-BGA) in October this year.

This will be its first phase; the second phase will start in 2026, the company said in a video posted on YouTube earlier this month that now has been pulled.

The first phase of production will begin at its new factory, called F1, at its Gumi facility.

Trial production is set to begin in March and high-volume manufacturing in October, the South Korean component maker said.

Trial production for its second phase will begin at its F1A factory, also at, Gumi, in March 2024. This line already exists but it is currently a pilot line for the production of FC-BGA.

In March, both F1A and F1 will start the second phase of their production.

LG Innotek expects its FC-BGA production capacity to reach 7.3 million units per month in 2023 and 15 million units per month in 2026.

This roadmap is more detailed than what LG Innotek disclosed last month when it said its new FC-BGA factory, likely referring to F1, to start mass production during the second half of the year.

Last year, LG Innotek announced that it planned to spend 413 billion won to start FC-BGA production.

Meanwhile, an LG Innotek spokesperson said the video was taken down to be updated and adjusted.

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