UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Battery diagnostic firm MinTech to go public
Battery diagnostic firm MinTech to go public
  • Lee Min-Jo
  • 승인 2024.02.16 17:07
  • 댓글 0
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Image: MinTech
Image: MinTech

Battery diagnostic company MinTech said on Friday that it made security filings to financial authorities to list on the Kosdaq.

The company is offering 3 million shares with a price per share between 6,500 won and 8,500 won.

MinTech hopes to raise 19.5 billion won through the listing and a valuation of between 158.4 billion won to 07.1 billion won.

KB Securities is underwriting the deal and orders for institutional investors will run for five days starting on March 7 and for regular investors from March 19 to 20.

MinTech was founded in June 2015 and offers electrochemical-based impedance analysis and diagnostic solutions.

The company has touted its electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis and AI-based Gen 3 battery diagnostic technologies.

These technologies are implemented in various hardware with different specifications.

Its Gen 3 battery diagnostic system can detect defects and the kind of defects throughout the whole four stages of a battery’s life cycle; cell production, pack production, use, and disuse. MinTech said it has its self-developed algorithm with a confusion matrix under 5%.

Some of the company’s investors are LG Energy Solution, GS Energy, Posco Venture Capital, and EcoPro Partners.

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