UPDATED. 2024-11-13 08:25 (수)
FNS Tech aiming to supply etcher for glass substrates aimed at chip packages
FNS Tech aiming to supply etcher for glass substrates aimed at chip packages
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2024.04.04 14:16
  • 댓글 0
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For SKC Absolics
Image: SKC
Image: SKC

Display wet equipment maker FNS Tech is aiming to supply etching equipment for glass substrates aimed at chip packages, TheElec has learned.

It is hoping to supply the kits to SKC Absolics, which is developing glass chip packages and building a dedicated factory in the state of Georgia in the US.

FNS Tech’s etcher will be used lasers are used to punch holes in the glass substrates.

There is yet no company that manufactures glass substrates for chip packages but Intel has said it plans to apply them to its chip production before 2030.

Glass is expected to replace resin substrates for AI server chips, which have a large surface area.

FNS Tech is also seeing revenue increase from chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) pad sales, which it supplies to Samsung.

It made 3.6 billion won in revenue from CMP pad sales in 2022; this increased to 6 billion won in 2023 and the company is expected to record 10 billion won this year.

Meanwhile, last year in May, the company said it planned to spend 12.7 billion won to build a factory to manufacture cleaners for open metal masks (OMM), which are used in OLED panel production. The same month, FNS Tech announced a deal worth 36 billion won with main customer Samsung Display for the cleaners.

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