UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
SFA to supply OHT and stockers to chipmaker Micron's India fab
SFA to supply OHT and stockers to chipmaker Micron's India fab
  • Noh Tae Min
  • 승인 2024.08.14 07:29
  • 댓글 0
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Deal worth 50 billion won
Image: SFA
Image: SFA

South Korean fab equipment maker SFA will supply overhead hoist transports (OHT) and stockers to chipmaker Micron, TheElec has learned.

The equipment maker has already started installation of some of the equipment at Micron’s fab in Gujarat, India, sources said.

The deal is worth 50 billion won but could be expanded up to 70 billion won, they added.

OHTs are used to transport wafers from process to process through plastic carriers that moves around on rails installed on the ceiling. Stockers are equipment used to store these carriers called front opening universal pod.

SFA’s OHT and stocker are currently used in back-end processes of chip making and the company is aiming to supply those for the front-end as well.

The South Korean company has previously supplied its equipment to Micron for the latter’s fabs in Singapore and Malaysia.

The chipmaker’s fab in Gujarat is its first in India and will go live late in the year.

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