UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
TSE supplying HBM probe cards to memory makers
TSE supplying HBM probe cards to memory makers
  • Noh Tae Min
  • 승인 2024.08.29 19:06
  • 댓글 0
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Used to test defective HBM dies
Image: TSE
Image: TSE

TSE is supplying probe cards for use in high-bandwidth memory (HBM) engineering to multiple memory makers.

The company was manufacturing the probe cards for, besides HBM, DRAM, and NAND as well, TSE President Yang Douglas Jung-il said during a seminar held at Hanyang University on Wednesday.

The probe card for HBM was being used by its customers to verify HBMs that had been returned to them by their customers because they were defective, he said.

TSE was also developing probe card for use in commercial mass production, Yang said.

It was also developing die carrier socket, a commodity used to test HBMs, he added.

There are two types of probe cards used in chip testing; the one provided by TSE is used to check the durability and electric defectiveness of HBM dies that have been diced from the wafer. The other is used in the burn-in test.

US company FormFactor is the dominant supplier of probe cards used to test the entire wafer of HBMs.

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