UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Apple receives glass-based sample of MR device OLED from JDI
Apple receives glass-based sample of MR device OLED from JDI
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2024.09.11 07:41
  • 댓글 0
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Cupertino’s budget model ‘Vision Pro’ likely to have 1,500ppi resolution
Image: Apple
Image: Apple

Apple has recently received a glass board-based OLED panel from Japan’s JDI aimed for mixed reality devices like its Vision Pro, TheElec has learned.

The panel has a resolution of approximately 1,500 pixels per inch (ppi), sources said, so it is likely aimed at a budget model MR device.

Apple’s Vision Pro which began sales earlier this year has a resolution of 3,391ppi.

JDI’s sample also used technologies used by Sony, a key supplier of image sensors and OLED on silicon (OLEDoS) to Cupertino, the sources said.

JDI’s sample likely has a lower resolution as it uses glass instead of silicon for the board.

Apple had also sent a request for information to Samsung Display earlier this year to request the development of an OLEDoS with 1,700ppi resolution.

JDI’s sample show that Cupertino may ultimately opt for glass instead of silicon for the OLED panel on its budget model due to price concerns.

Vision Pro costs a whopping US$3,500 and there is concern that it lacks content.

It remains to be seen which supplier Apple will ultimately choose among Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese display makers.

The iPhone maker currently uses OLEDoS from Sony for Vision Pro.

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