UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
ADTechnology to collaborate with Samsung, Arm for AI chiplet development
ADTechnology to collaborate with Samsung, Arm for AI chiplet development
  • Seonhaeng Lee
  • 승인 2024.10.17 17:11
  • 댓글 0
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Including Rebellions AI accelerator
Image: ADTechnology
Image: ADTechnology

Chip design house ADTechnology said on Wednesday that it was collaborating with Samsung, Rebellions, and Arm in the development of AI chiplets.

In a chiplet, multiple chips are made separately and made into one through packaging, reducing cost while maintaining similar performances to a single chip that packs all the features.

ADTechnology will use Arm’s Neoverse Computing Subsystems (CSS) V3 to optimize the chiplet to use Samsung Foundry’s 2-nanometer process node.

The chiplet will also use AI chip firm Rebellions’ AI accelerator so that it can be used in AI and high-performance computing.

ADTechnology said these collaborations were part of Arm’s Total Design Ecosystem support for its partners.

The project aims for the UK chip firm’s customers to design application-specific ICs at lower cost and risks.

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