UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
JNTC supplies glass sample to three chip packaging companies
JNTC supplies glass sample to three chip packaging companies
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2024.10.31 07:57
  • 댓글 0
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510x515mm substrate size
Image: JNTC
Image: JNTC

JNTC said on Tuesday that it has supplied samples of its new 510x515mm through silicon via (TGV) glass substrate to three global semiconductor packaging companies.

The substrate is much larger than the 100x100mm prototype unveiled in June.

JNTC said the new glass substrate had more sophisticated via hole, etching, plating, and polishing processes applied than the prototype.

The company said it offers differentiation to competitors in plating the whole substrate evenly.

JNTC said it was in talks with the three packaging companies on spec and prices.

The company plans to start mass production of the substrate in the second half of 2025 at its facilities in Vietnam.

JNTC previously said it plans to use its technologies developed for 3D cover windows to develop TGV glass substrates.

It aims at the glass interposer market where glass is used instead of silicon.

These interposers can replace silicon interposers used in chip boards with resin cores. Glass interposers are already used in certain high-end medical devices. This is because glass has superior chemical characteristics to silicon.

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