UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Merck Korea wins Trade Minister award
Merck Korea wins Trade Minister award
  • Jong Taek OH
  • 승인 2019.10.06 11:57
  • 댓글 0
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Recognized for contribution to Korea
Merck managing director Glenn Young (center) poses with officials of the Trade Ministry and other awardees on Oct. 1.
Merck managing director Glenn Young (center) poses with officials of the Trade Ministry and other awardees on Oct. 1.

Merck Korea received an award from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Award at the 9th Investors of the Quarter on Oct. 1, the company said.

The Trade Ministry has been awarding multinational companies investing directly in Korea for their efforts to contribute to the local industries and economy since 2017.

Along with Merck, Dow Chemical Silicone and Emuge-Franken were the other awardees.

Glenn Young, the managing and representative director of Merck Korea, said Merck has been with Korea for the past 30 years, watching the country’s bio and electronics industries grow. He added that the firm will continue to work together with related industries to continue contributing to them, and to expand further in areas such as healthcare and life sciences.

Merck first established a corporation in Korea in 1989. Since then, it has made continuous investment into electronics and display industries. In May of 2010, it opened a high-tech center. In 2011 and 2015, it opened OLED research labs. Following its acquisition of North American life science firm Sigma-Aldrich, and the opening of the M Lab Collaboration Center in 2016, Merck has been widening its scope of interest and business.


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