UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung supplying auto memory chips to Nvidia, Google
Samsung supplying auto memory chips to Nvidia, Google
  • Jeon Dong Yeob
  • 승인 2019.11.17 09:28
  • 댓글 0
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Also developing auto-HBM chips
Samsung Electronics' Kim Jin-hwan
Samsung Electronics' Kim Jin-hwan

Samsung Electronics has announced plans to churn out LPDDR5, GDDR6 DRAM and SSDs for automobiles beginning next year, with GDDR6 to be supplied to Nvidia, and the SSDs to Google. Samsung said it would also be producing High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) chips for autos in the near future.

The products, reflecting their car-compatibility, were named Auto GDDR6, Auto LPDDR5 and Auto SSD.

“We will begin supplying automobile-approved next-generation DRAM and SSDs to key clients next year,” said Kim Jin-hwan, the head of Samsung’s memory division production development team at a workshop on automobile electronic parts in Gyeonggi Province on Nov. 15.

The SSDs will go into the Google’s autonomous Waymo cars, more specifically, into their central control systems.

The GDDR6 supporting transmission speeds of up to 14Gps will go into Nvidia’s self-driving GPU boards, while the LPDDR5 transmits up to 6.4Gbps. LPDDR is applied along with SoC for infotainment displays, gateways and telematics, also for self-driving cars.

Samsung Electronics’ auto memory chips were approved by both the IATF 16949 and the AEC-Q100. The standards for these chips differ from non-auto chips because they must withstand different external conditions, such as resilience against sub-zero temperatures.

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