Last month, Samsung Electronics filed for the court the injunction preventing Kim, a former semiconductor executive, who had taken a new job at Innotron, the DRAM company in China. Such a move by Samsung Electronics was made after this paper’s report on October 31 (Samsung DRAM design major executive moving to a Chinese memory company).
Although there have been occasional news stories of important Samsung employees transferring to China, this is the first instance of an executive level employee moving to China. Kim, a former director who was born in 1967, worked as the head of the design team in the Memory Business Division of Samsung Electronics and was promoted to the director of the Memory Development Department in 2011. He worked as a director in charge of the Memory DRAM Development Department in 2013 and as a director in charge of the Memory Strategic Marketing Team in 2015. On October 30, 2015, at the Day of the Semiconductor event, Kim received an award from the Industry Minister of Korea for his work in developing cutting-edge DRAM. Last November, he moved to Samsung SDI and worked as the head of the Product Strategy Group 1 of the Strategic Marketing Department.
Early this year, Kim suddenly left the company for personal reasons and changed his job to Innotron, the Chinese DRAM company. It is known that Kim is working in Shanghai where Innotron’s DRAM Design HQ is located. Innotron has reportedly been planning to start a new development project with Director Kim who was responsible for designing DRAM at Samsung Electronics. At Innotron, it was confirmed that another Mr. Kim who used to be the head of the production group of SK Hynix(The old DRAM production line) is also an employee.
Innotron, together with Jin Hua Integrated Circuit Co. (JHICC) and Jin Hua Uni Group, is in the process of the Memory Rise of China. Their main product is DRAM. Innotron built a production facility at Hefei Shi, Anhui, investing 8 billion USD. It is reported that the DRAM technology basis of Innotron came from the Innotera of Taiwan (Micron), it is also reported that, due to low order rates, it is experiencing difficulties.