UPDATED. 2024-11-06 17:16 (수)
LCD investment to come to halt in 2022: IHS Markit
LCD investment to come to halt in 2022: IHS Markit
  • Jong Taek OH
  • 승인 2019.11.25 00:19
  • 댓글 0
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Money to flow to OLEDs instead

Global corporate investment into LCD displays is expected to become obscure beginning in 2022, triggering forecasts that suppliers producing LCD-related equipment will quickly have to switch their main area of business.

According to market research firm IHS Markit, the final investment into the sector will be next year when BOE expands its B17 line producing Gen-10.5 panels and CSOT makes investment into its T7 plant for Gen-10.5 displays.

Investment into OLED, on the other hand, will surge. IHS Markit said over the next five years, up to $8billion is to be poured into the sector. Chinese panel companies are likely to spend extensively on Gen-6 flexible OLEDs, Y-OCTA and TFE technology. Expenses on ink-jet equipment are also to rise.

Most of the demand for mass production is to come from Samsung Display, JOLED and CSOT, while for R&D, it’s going to be BOE and AUO, said the research firm.


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